Design Studio 2- class outline - Spring 2019 (H) - Tuesday 11:30

Faculty of Arts, Business and Social Sciences - Communications: Media & Studio Arts department 

Design Studio 2

Research, Materials and Project Design
Course Number 510-208-VA
Semester - H 2018 (spring 2019)  sect 00001
Pre-requisite - Design Studio 1 - 511-902-VA, 510-108-VA 
Teacher - Thomas Fisher   Ponderation 2-1-3
Office B 313 - Phone number  744-7500 - 7675
Tuesday - 11:30 Medialab room c306
Office hours as posted on office door
class blog and info or


Design Studio 2 is an “advanced” studio class; concerned with the further development of individual design skills and interests, through selected assignments, exercises and lectures. It encourages greater design literacy and broader design research, and as well, the class focuses upon improved project production. 

Design 2 - encourages the student to widen their general design studies and deepen their critical awareness, and to also refine their technical skills - where feasible, students may, under supervision, pursue select individual non-class projects.

Utilizing a combination of short and semester long assignments; which may include - book cover, infographics design, film title design and magazine layout projects, participants gain experience on detailed, evolving design projects. 

Design 2 is comprised of two broad, general areas of study: Design History and Design Research and Materials and Processes: Projects and Techniques.

Course Content:

Design History and Design Research - This aspect encourages the student to improve their research methods, and broaden their aesthetic interests in order to develop their appreciation of Design History and its designers; and thus to begin to develop a more comprehensive visual literacy. In Design Research students take an idea from it’s genesis to completion, with a particular focus on how to creatively and productively, develop the concept. This element considers a project's overall feasibility, the suitability of materials/facilities and in general - resource management - and also how to better research and prepare complex projects, and how to actually complete them.

Materials, Processes, Production and Techniques - These elements encourage the student to where feasible, further develop selected areas of design practice that they have become particularly interested in, and to gain additional experience and experimentation with more advanced production tools and commercial processes. This critical aspect will encourage the student to learn how to more creatively engineer more complex projects, and how to execute them in a visually effective manner. Such as: Custom Commercial Printing, Laser Cutting and Output, Layout Design, Exhibition and Display Design, Product and Book Design and Project Preparation – improving work-path and workspace.

Methodology: Design project seminars and lectures, weekly Design History presentations, design and research exercises and assignments which use traditional tools, and explore concepts which use current digital software. As well, the student is introduced to emerging industry standards in both pre and post-production.

Evaluation: Design Studio 2 participants must attend every class, period.

Absence or tardiness without suitable documentation will result in failure. Late project submissions will not be accepted. Zero Tolerance. Students will be required to produce 5 individual graphic design and/or design art history projects minimum. Each project is worth 20 %. Participants must complete all assigned blog/digital tutorials, quizzes, presentation or reading/research history assignments. Participants will be graded upon originality, comprehension of techniques, presentation, research and effort. 

All late assignments submissions will be penalized - minus 20 marks - unless accompanied by medical note, So, if you receive an 87 on the project, your actual grade will become 67 after the late submission adjustment. So, do your work on time, every time ! Assignments are spaced throughout the term. Slackers will not be accepted ! Deadlines, are just that.


The assignments will be roughly evenly spaced over the duration of the course. The exact dates will be discussed as the projects and semester evolve.

Projects may include: Film Title design, Research History Presentation project, Magazine Layout assignment, Infographics poster, Swiss poster design, Large scale single layout page assignment, product development assignment, Poster and Book cover production assignment, typography development assignment, Note. specific topics may change without notice, the listing is for general reference only. 

Note. Some of our projects may require the use of out of school, commercial printing services, students should expect to spend at least $ 50.00 for out of size print projects

DESIGN Studio  2- materials list. You must obtain the following items:

1 minimum, 1GB USB or firewire Flash/Jump drive or other Memory stick

Required TEXTBOOK: Making and Breaking the Grid, Updated and Expanded: A Graphic Design Layout Workshop, by Samara, 1st or 2nd edition, it doesn’t matter, either is fine. it’s available in the Vanier bookstore, or on line, you will need the book by the second class, the book is essential ! and MUST be bought ! Note : no pdf’s are allowed, you’ll need the hard copy book only !

Students may need to purchase assorted basic design tools and materials as required. i.e. Scissors, glue, pencils, paper etc. 

One of the projects may involve using an external print facility to print a large scale poster project, students must pick up their print projects from downtown (near Concordia) or other select print outlets, and be prepared to spend around $50.00 on print bureau poster printing, or other similar project materials. We will discuss these items first day.

Required Reading: (we will discuss this) - Envisioning Information Edward Tufte  (Vanier Library) - Information Graphics Widbur & Burke ( Vanier Library) Recommended Reading Wired Magazine, How Magazine, Print Magazine, RayGun Magazine any other design, architecture or graphics magazines or books

Required bi-weekly Reading of the class blog : the Class-O-Matic web site


Information on College Policies
It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to Vanier College Academic Policies. A summary of the course-level academic policies that apply in this and all other Vanier courses can be found in Omnivox under Important Vanier Links, or by following this link 
Complete policies can also be found on the Vanier College website, under Policies. 

For course outlines in French:

Information sur les politiques du Collège
Les étudiants ont la responsabilité de prendre connaissance des politiques du Cégep Vanier et d’y adhérer. Un résumé des politiques qui s’appliquent à ce cours comme à tous les autres cours à Vanier se trouve sur Omnivox sous la rubrique « Course-Level Policies » dans la section Important Vanier Links, ou au lien suivant : 
Les politiques complètes se trouvent sur le site web du Cégep Vanier, dans la section Policies. 

Good Academic Standing in the College: To be in good standing in the College and be permitted to register for the following semester, a pre-university student must have passed at least 4 courses in the previous semester. Many programs have very specific additional requirements for student success, and these requirements are made known to students in program requirement documents and in the Student Guide.

Good Academic Standing in the College: To be in good standing in the College and be permitted to register for the following semester, a pre-university student must have passed at least 4 courses in the previous semester. Many programs have very specific additional requirements for student success, and these requirements are made known to students in program requirement documents and in the Student Guide.

The College policies on academic complaints, cheating and plagiarism, zero tolerance, and religious holy day absences will be followed. Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment, and a letter from the teacher will be placed in your file. A repeated offence may lead to even more serious consequences. Please consult The Vanier Student Writing Guide, the Vanier College Catalogue, the Student Handbook and your teacher for more information.

The Code of Conduct sets forth principles, guidelines and norms of behavior expected from all individuals present at Vanier College, including students, faculty, employees, administrators, members of the Board of Directors, contractors and visitors.  The Code of conduct can be found on the College’s website, under Policies and on the Omnivox Portal. 

It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with and adhere to the Vanier College Academic Policies. These policies can be found online on the Vanier College website. Your attention is drawn in particular to the following policies. A brief summary of each is included.

In order to create a positive learning environment, harassment by an individual or group in regards to another person’s or group’s gender, religion, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliation will not be tolerated.

The Vanier College Student Academic Complaints Policy and procedures puts an emphasis on mediation as the primary means to resolve complaints in the academic area. If you have a problem with a teacher and have been unable to resolve it by talking with him or her, you may wish to enlist the help of the Faculty Mediation Committee. The committee member names and contact information are available in Student Services or through the office of the Faculty Dean. 

Any form of cheating or plagiarism will result in a grade of zero on the test or assignment and a letter from the teacher will be placed in your file. A repeated offence may lead to even more serious consequences. Please consult the Vanier Student Writing Guide, the Vanier College Catalogue, the Student Handbook, and your teacher for more information. 

This policy provides guidelines for handling cases of student misbehaviour in the classroom and other instructional settings. Such cases may include conduct that is abusive to the teacher and/or other students, or disruptive to the teaching/learning process. This policy does not limit the teacher’s or the College’s right to take immediate action in cases of imminent danger to persons or property. 

Students whose religious obligations require them to be absent from the College on a holy day not formally recognized in the College calendar must inform their teachers, in writing, during the first week of classes, of the particular date(s) and times of the religious holy days on which they must be absent. Absences approved in this manner are considered to be excused absences. Students are responsible for material covered in the classes and labs they miss.
To be in good standing in the College and be permitted to register for the following semester, a pre-university student must have passed at least four courses in the previous semester and more than 50% of the courses in which they are registered.  Many programs have specific additional requirements for student success, which are made known to students in program requirement documents and in the Student Academic Standing and Advancement Policy. 

Literacy and communication skills (writing, reading, speaking, and listening) are essential to students’ academic and professional success in all programs. These skills will be assessed in all take-home written assignments and in-class oral presentations.

Design 2- Number 511-903-VA/511-HTE-03 Ponderation: 2-1-3 Credit (s): 2 Prerequisites: 510-108-VA or 511-902-VA

Description: Course content includes : Design terminology - Historical trends in digital & non-digital design - Integration methods of digital and non-digital projects - Advanced techniques and exercises in materials, processes and studio skills - Project presentation and critiques.
Statement of Competency: 01D4: To give examples of forms of language used in design. & 01D9: To produce researched, full-scale design projects.

Achievement Context - Grades in this course are determined by the teacher evaluation of the following:

Demonstrate an understanding of design terminology. Demonstrate an understanding of selected historical traditions in design. Completion of individual research and design history projects and/or quizzes. Participation in all studio/lab projects , lectures and presentations.
Full attendance of lectures, labs and studio. Competent and timely project development and completion. Peer project critiques.


1. To recognize the key elements and terminology of digital and non-digital design
2. To examine the dynamics of design language from conception to execution.
3. To differentiate among various forms or styles of design.
4. To explore different means of expression through design.


1.1 Master design terminology
1.2 Apply the terminology to design research and production projects.
1.3 Examine historical development in design aesthetics and technology.
2.1 Identify the significance of design elements in relation to the whole design project.
2.2 Produce projects which incorporate appropriate design elements.
2.3 Research and discuss the integration of key elements or key traditions in the development of a design project.
3.1 Differentiate between the traditional and non-traditional methods and materials of design.
3.2 Recognize the influence and impact of design traditions on aesthetic processes and technology of current design practices.
3.4 Explore different means of expression in design assignments.


1. To define a design project.
2. To conceptualize, plan and execute a design project.
3. To critically examine and discuss the process of design project development.


1.1 Identify the parameters of a design project.
1.2 Research, plan and execute preliminary studies of the project.
1.3 Identify the historical influences on the project and its materials.
2.1 Explore a variety of materials and techniques.
2.2 Identify appropriate processes and materials.
2.3 Create intermediate models or forms
2.4 Present work in progress.
3.1 Present finished project.

3.2 Critique project development and its execution.